In the fifth episode of the “Second Start” radio show, Ofelya Kamavosyan is hosted Gevorg Pashikyan, Psychiatrist, Chief Consultant on Psychiatry to the RA Minister of Health.
According to UN research, about 15 percent of the population has cognitive problems, and according to forecasts, the number of people with dementia will double in the world by 2050. Pashikyan says, a narrow specialist diagnoses dementia only after half a year of observations and research.
When you notice the first signs of dementia – irritability, distraction, isolation, exacerbation of personality traits and behavioral disturbances – you should consult a doctor. Today, people can also turn to family doctors, and if necessary, they will be referred to a neurologist or a psychiatrist.
According to the doctor, dementia differs from normal aging in that it can appear at an earlier age, but it happens more often after the age of 60. In addition, cognitive function impairments are more pronounced in dementia and lead to adjustment problems and social isolation.
The most common type of dementia worldwide is Alzheimer’s disease, followed by vascular dementia. The latter is very popular in Armenia. Contributing factors to the disease are correctable and unavoidable. Old age, heredity and gender are among the non-correctable factors. “It has been proven that women are more prone to dementia than men,” assures doctor Pashikyan. And high blood pressure, endocrine diseases, in particular, diabetes, problems with the thyroid gland can be treated, thus preventing dementia.
Prevention and early diagnosis in the case of dementia are also extremely important, as they allow to improve the quality of life and extend the life span of the patient. “The main goal of dementia treatment is to ensure quality life and socialization for the patient,” says the doctor.
According to the state health policy, mental health issues are defined as a priority this year, and dementia is an integral part of it. The specialist informed that within the framework of the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative grant, Alzheimer’s Care Armenia is conducting screenings in our country for the purpose of early prevention of dementia, and the data will be very useful for the health care system.