Alzheimer’s Caregiver Helpline

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Helpline

Under the directorship of Dr. Mahakian, Alzheimer’s Care Armenia (ACA) has partnered with Mission Armenia (NGO) to establish the National Alzheimer’s Caregiver Helpline which began on September 2019. The Alzheimer’s Caregiver Helpline has the endorsement of the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Beneficiaries can get support on working days and hours by calling +374 96 777 902.

The National Alzheimer’s Caregiver Helpline is a sustainable service available to family members and other caregivers who are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias in Armenia. The Alzheimer’s Caregiver Helpline will have trained psychologists available Monday-Friday who will provide the most up-to-date information, education and support for callers to the Helpline. Callers can obtain disease education, referrals to specialists such as neurologists, supportive services and consultation to discuss behavioral strategies and best approaches.

The number of people in Armenia with Alzheimer’s disease is expected to grow exponentially in the coming decades. Currently, around 14.4% of Armenia’s population is already over the age of 60. By 2050, 31.5% of Armenia’s population will be over the age of 60. With an aging population, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are prevalent and on the rise in Armenia, but the lack of information and education regarding diagnosis, care and treatment creates many challenges for those living with the disease and their loved ones. The Alzheimer’s Care Helpline is a “first step” for caregivers in their journey with a loved one with a dementia. Up until recently, little attention has been given to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in Armenia. Alzheimer’s Care Armenia leads the way in pioneering work in Armenia for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.